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Welcome to the Brooks County Resource Center

Empowering Our Community, One Resource at a Time

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Welcome to the Brooks County Resource Center

Empowering Our Community, One Resource at a Time

Bringing Brooks County Together

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Empowering our community

We believe in providing our community members with the resources and support they need to thrive. We work to create a more equitable and just society for all.

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We believe in the power of collaboration to achieve common goals. We partner with local organizations and businesses to create a stronger and more resilient community.

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Making a 
lasting impact

We believe in making a lasting impact on the lives of our community members. We are committed to providing high-quality services and programs that make a real difference.

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We're dedicated to providing crucial support and opportunities. Your support keeps our doors open, helping individuals thrive. Join us in creating a resilient, prosperous community. Contact us now to make a difference!

We believe in the power of connection and collaboration to create a stronger, more prosperous community.

We are dedicated to providing essential resources and support to our neighbors, helping them achieve their goals and reach their full potential. We are also committed to fostering partnerships with local organizations and businesses, working together to address the challenges facing our community and create a brighter future for all.

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How we work together by Building Communities, Enriching Lives, and Restoring Connections


Partnering with local churches to distribute hot, nutritious meals to those in need.

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Home Safety 
Equipment Program

Proving safety equipment and weatherization products

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Early Learning Center Collaboration

Partnering with local early learning centers to offer take-home learning kits to children, encouraging early education.

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Health Essentials and 
Food Boxes

Providing health essentials and food boxes to families in need to promote well-being and alleviate hunger.

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Community Events and Outreach

Organizing and participating in local events and outreach programs to engage with the community.

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Support for Vulnerable Populations

Targeting assistance to marginalized and vulnerable groups, ensuring that everyone has access to necessary resources.

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Distributed over


Pounds of food to those in need.

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Provided educational programs, workshops, and trainings to help individuals enhance their skills.

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We have organized numerous community events and initiatives to foster a sense of togetherness.

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Connected community members with essential services, from housing assistance to job placement.

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Upcoming Events

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Provide educational bags with school supplies to support students' education.

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Provide educational bags with school supplies to support students' education.

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Proving safety equipment and weatherization products

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Your Questions, Suggestions, and Feedback Matter!

We'd love to hear from you! If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to get in touch with us, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your feedback and inquiries are important to us. 

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